
habitat habitats翻译成中文 habitat可数吗



Habitat refers to the natural environment or physical space that is occupied by a particular organism or group of organisms. It is the place where living things reside and where they can find the resources they need to survive. Different species have different habitats, and the habitat of any particular organism may change over its lifetime.

The concept of habitat is closely related to the survival of species. A particular species can only survive if it has access to the necessary resources and conditions in its habitat. These resources may include water, food, shelter, and other factors that are essential to its well-being. If the habitat of a species is destroyed or altered in a negative way, the species may struggle to survive or become extinct.

There are many different types of habitats around the world. These include forests, deserts, oceans, rivers, and grasslands, among others. Each habitat has its unique features and characteristics, and different species may thrive in different habitats.

One of the biggest threats to habitats around the world is human activity. Deforestation, pollution, overfishing, and climate change are just a few examples of how human activity can negatively impact habitats and the species that reside within them. As humans continue to alter and destroy habitats, the survival of many species is put at risk.

Conservation efforts are essential to protect habitats and the species that depend on them. This may involve measures such as establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable practices, and working to reduce pollution and other forms of environmental degradation.

In conclusion, habitat plays a crucial role in the survival of species. From forests and oceans to deserts and grasslands, habitats come in many shapes and sizes. As humans continue to impact these habitats, it is essential that we take steps to protect and conserve them for the benefit of all living things.

2、habitat international

Habitat International,作为一个非营利性组织,专注于推广普及人类居住发展和住房改善方案,以提高全球居民的生活水平和质量为目标。


Habitat International的使命是为全球贫困社区提供基本的住房、自水自电、饮用水和卫生设施。该组织积极展开各种项目,包括提供基础设施建设、提供技术支持和培训、改善居住环境、推广环保建筑和自然灾害响应等方面。尤其是在2010年海地地震灾害后,Habitat International快速响应并与其他国际救援组织一起,提供紧急住房和基础设施。

Habitat International的工作范围覆盖了全球50多个国家和地区,其中包括非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲等发展中国家和地区。该组织在社区组织、基层政府和当地居民之间建立了紧密的合作关系,并且积极推广公平和可持续的居住发展模式。

Habitat International尤其关注的是妇女和儿童的住房问题。该组织致力于通过提供安全、卫生和经济适用的住房,改善妇女和儿童的健康和安全状况。同时,Habitat International还提供相关培训和技能,帮助当地居民获得更好的工作和收入机会,促进他们生活质量的提高。

总而言之,Habitat International是一家着眼于全球住房问题的可持续性非营利组织。它通过与当地居民、政府和其他组织合作,关注住房、环境和公共基础设施等方面,努力改善人类居住条件,促进人类生活质量的提高。

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