人物经历教育经历博士学位 伍伦贡大学,澳大利亚。
硕士学位 麦考瑞大学,澳大利亚。
注册会计师 麦考瑞大学,澳大利亚。
本科学位 江西财经大学,中国。
工作经历曾就职于澳大利亚第二大的杂志期刊物流公司Gordon&Gothch, 从事数据分析师的岗位。
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Zhang, Y., Ardakani, S., Han, W. (in press) “Blockchain-based accounting information recording protocol”, Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance (ABDC - B)
De Zoysa, A., Takaoka, N. and Zhang, Y. (2021), "CSR in Japan: the impact of CSR awareness, affordability and management system sophistication on CSR performance", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(7), 1704-1722 (ABDC-A, ABS-2)
Zhang, Y., De Zoysa, A., and Jagoda, K. (2021) "The Influence of Second Language Learning Motivation on Students’ Understandability of Accounting Textbooks, " Accounting Research Journal, 34(4), 394-411 (ABDC - B, ABS 2)
Zhang, Y., De Zoysa, A., and Cortese, C.. (2020) "The directionality of uncertainty expressions and the foreign language effect: Context and accounting judgement." Meditari Accountancy Research, 28 (3), 543-63 (ABDC - A)
Zhang, Y., De Zoysa, A., and Cortese, C. (2019) “Uncertainty Expressions in Accounting: Critical Issues and Recommendations,” Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 13(4), 4-22 (ABDC - B)
Manuscripts under review
Zhang, Y., De Zoysa, A. and Cortese, C., (under revision) "The Foreign Language Effect in Accounting Uncertainty Expressions: Interpretation and Probabilistic Estimation", Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (ABDC-B, ABS-3)
Zhang, Y., (under revision) " Using Google Trends to track the global interest in IFRS: Evidence from Big Data", Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management (ABDC-B)
Manuscripts ready for submission
Zhang, Y., Seufert, J., Dellaportas, S. “Numeracy and Accounting Probability Estimation”
Zhang, Y., Han, W. “Impact of Accounting Numeracy on Accounting Professional Judgment”
科研成就Zhang, Y., Seufert, J., Zoysa, A.D., and Cortese, C. (2019) “Tracking the International Differences Under IFRS: Evidence from Big Data”, The 8th Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series, December 4-6.
Cheng, A., Teklay, B., and Zhang, Y. (2019) “Tax challenges of Chinese Outbound Investments in Countries along the Belt and Road Initiative: A Case Study of Chinese Investment in Ethiopia,” The 6th Africa Research Group International Conference, September 4-6.
2017 Faculty of Business HDR Student Conference, University of Wollongong, Australia
2017 AFAANZ Doctoral Symposium, “The language effect: non-native language impacts on interpretation of uncertainty expressions and accounting judgment”, Adelaide, Australia
Tayar, M., and Zhang, Y. (2013). "Student perceptions of formative feedback: a cross-cultural analysis," Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Conference, April 18-20.
社会任职张玉乾博士现为澳大利亚注册会计师 (CPA Australia)。