
一千多万用英语怎么说 杭州有一千多万人口用英语怎么说


The title of this article is “How to express the number 10+ million in English”. In this article, we will explore the different ways to write and say numbers that are equal to or greater than 10 million. We will also look at how to use these numbers in various contexts such as finance, science, and everyday life.

The number 10+ million

In English, the number 10 million is written in numerals as 10,000,000. When you want to express a number greater than 10 million, you can simply add more zeros to the end of the number. For example, 20 million is written as 20,000,000, 50 million as 50,000,000, and so on.

Using 10+ million in finance

In finance, numbers in the millions and billions are very common. Dealing with such large numbers can be daunting, but it’s important to understand how they are used. For example, the net worth of a billionaire may be expressed as $1 billion or $1,000,000,000. Similarly, a company’s earnings may be expressed in millions or billions of dollars.

Using 10+ million in science

In science, large numbers are often used to describe quantities such as distance, mass, and time. For example, the distance from the Earth to the moon is approximately 238,855 miles, which is equal to roughly 384,400 kilometers. In astrophysics, the mass of celestial bodies such as stars and galaxies may be expressed in billions or trillions of solar masses.

Using 10+ million in everyday life

In everyday life, we may encounter large numbers in a variety of situations. For example, the population of a city or country may be expressed in millions or billions of people. Statistics such as the number of cars produced or the amount of food consumed can also be expressed in millions or billions.


In conclusion, expressing large numbers in English can be a simple matter of adding more zeros to the end of the number. It’s important to understand how these numbers are used in various contexts such as finance, science, and everyday life. By doing so, you can avoid confusion and better communicate numerical data.

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